


你对临床感到兴奋吗? 你应该是! Catch up with these helpful tips — you’ll thank yourself later!

你对临床感到兴奋吗? 你应该是! 临床是提问的机会, learn from your mistakes 和 evolve as a healthcare professional. Clinicals also allow you to explore different specializations 和 gain more insight into what you’re most passionate about. 你应该花点时间 准备好迎接这一激动人心的挑战吧 充分利用你的临床经验. Catch up with these helpful tips — you’ll thank yourself later!


不要等到 第一天去诊所 开始准备. If you’re a first-time nursing student, clinicals may seem daunting. Channel your nerves into excitement 和 motivation for a new chapter of your healthcare career. Clinicals usually occur during the first or second semester of nursing school 和 could require about 60 hours total depending on your program. 


即使你参加了在线课程, you will still gain the value of h和s-on experience from clinicals. 不要害怕自我介绍,建立联系. 你永远不知道你的关系会把你带到哪里! Familiarizing yourself with clinical professors 和 peers will promote growth throughout your time in school. 总是乐于倾听和向他人学习 人脉是关键. 你不仅是在与他人交流, but you’re also strengthening your communication 和 collaboration skills, 优秀护士的两个特点. 


就像任何经历一样,诊所充满了起起落落. 在你在赫兹金的工作结束的时候, most graduates find that you get out of the experience what you put into it. That includes carrying a positive attitude 和 confidence in your abilities. Confidence makes you capable of not only completing clinicals but excelling throughout your career. 所有ow yourself to grow from these valuable experiences 和 you’ll find yourself more prepared to take on the challenges of life in healthcare 和 to provide patients with the highest quality care possible.

把笔放在纸上 (或手指转键盘)

Notetaking is an essential aspect of the learning experience 和 doing it in a way that works 为你 can be the difference between an astounding A or a common C. 你应该建立一个有效的记笔记的过程 为你 通过管理你从课堂上获取信息的方式.

Some common strategies for recording 和 remembering what you’ve been taught include:

  • 选择正确的记笔记方法. 笔记本电脑是你最好的选择吗? 你是老派吗?? 你用笔和纸做得更好吗? 你是不是太分心了? 也许录下讲座对你来说是正确的选择.
  • 用对你有意义的方式整理你的笔记. Utilize topics 和 subtopics, high-level concepts, 和 keywords to make recollection quick 和 easy. 如果你擅长记笔记,可以考虑用速记. 这对其他人来说可能没有意义, 但只要能帮你通过考试, it’s a great method to ensure you are keeping up 和 aren’t missing key details during class.
  • 把文字和图像混在一起. During notetaking, doodling is just fine if it helps to connect concepts in your mind.
  • 写. 重写. 和re-rewrite. Notetaking works but notetaking on top of notetaking will sear the knowledge into your brain. 一旦你回到家, rewrite your notes or move them to a style that works best 为你r study habits — notecards, 概述了, 视觉线索, 或录音. This will make your studying time more effective, 和 hopefully more enjoyable.

In the end, notetaking isn’t just about making the exam work easier, it’s teaching you how to learn. 你会发展新的组织能力, learn how to recognize crucial information even when it’s hidden in a long lecture, 让你的大脑以新的方式运作. These are all skills every successful healthcare worker needs to know!


没有人能在没有帮助的情况下充分发挥自己的潜力. You are stronger when you work with people 和 ask for help when it is needed. 顾问,教授, 校长 和 your peers can all provide a wealth of knowledge to benefit your nursing education. 和很多学校一样,赫zing也提供 支持中心 with resources to aid students throughout their clinical experience. 不管你是在找家教, 类管理, 或者只是一个倾听的人, there are plenty of campus professionals who want to help you succeed 和 can provide you with the resources to address most challenges you’ll face.

Herzing大学 有各种各样 护理程序 和 accreditations to prepare future healthcare workers to flourish. 从入学到临床再到毕业等等, discover how Herzing can support your pursuit of the next st年龄 in your professional life. 



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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